Monday, 24 June 2013

{Hash} Is This Some Sort of Magnet? - Sploder Game Review

Game: Attraction
Maker: Chloride
Type: PPG

Pre Thoughts

“Ooh, a new game by Chloride!  Let’s see what it is.”

That pretty much sums up my thoughts when I saw this game.  Chloride is a great game maker.  His first 3 games were all featured, and has more features.  When I saw Attraction on the Featured Games page, I knew immediately that it would be a good game.  Even though it was a PPG (A creator Chloride hadn’t used yet) I still had high hopes for it.  He has major talent when it comes to making games.  Chloride doesn’t disappoint when it comes to games.

Chloride is a very popular member.  He has many fan accounts (Chloride2 for example).  Many members love him (Don’t take that the wrong way) and his games.  But is Attraction feature worthy?  Let’s find out.


“Wow, this is pretty neato-torpedo”

When I started playing this game, I was stunned for a minute.  The game had great design in every level.  The controls were smooth and didn’t have any bugs.  Right at the first level I saw why Attraction was featured.  Everything was neat and organized, and I was only at level 1!  If the first level is that good, the levels beyond it should be amazing.

The challenge level wasn’t that high, and yet it wasn’t too low.  This makes a good game.  You don’t want something uber hard, but you don’t want a walk in the park (Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to get some fresh air in the park).  What you want in a game is challenge, but not too much.  Spamming enemies and hazards won’t make your game better, it will make it worse.  Never do that.  Put enemies in the right area and you’ll be good.

The graphics in this Attraction weren’t what I expected.  What I expected were great graphics and unique design.  But it didn’t have that.  Chloride made a bad choice using just solid colours.  It doesn’t make the game as good in my opinion.  You and Chloride may think otherwise, but I’m stating my opinion.  That’s what a review is for; stating opinions.

If I could improve one thing, it would be the sensor layers on the cubes.  You could take the green cube to the blue place thing, the blue to the yellow, the yellow to the red, and the red to the green and still beat the level.  Chloride was really lazy with this one.  This could definitely be improved.

Overall, Attraction was a great game.  Although here could be some improvements here and there, it was still a good game.  Now, does it deserve it’s feature?


Creativity: 2/5.  This game was copied.  Here is original game made by someone else.

As you can see, it’s the exact same thing as Attraction, so Chloride kind of stole Cubeoid’s feature.

Level Placement: ⅘.  Good design, but could’ve been improved.

Enemy Placement: ⅗.  There were very few enemies in Attraction which gave it a lower score.

Puzzles: ⅘.  There were many puzzles in Attraction, which bumped up the overall score.

Overall: 13/20.  Meh.

Final Thought

Looks like it’s time to end.  It was fun reviewing Attraction, but everything must stop (Except a straight line, of course).  I’ll see you next time (Which is when I get off my lazy butt and do something).  Goodbye!

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