Sunday, 23 June 2013

{Becky} Roatation Time - Sploder Game Review

Game: Rotation Ballz
Game maker: Gameshadow
Game type: PPG

   Pre thoughts
When I first saw the title I was crazy for a moment. The title had that certain ‘This is awesome’ thing. Titles with one word don’t draw me in enough because it’s plain. Titles with 4 words or more look a bit too ‘I’m so awesome’ with the blank stupid look. Don’t get me wrong, some of those games are awesome but they aren’t that mind blowing. Enough about 4 word titles. The title for the game Rotation Ballz had that epic look at me when I saw it. More evil I would say. The Z. I love the letter Z which was a main factor of the title that transported me in. You would say the title was destined for me, wasn’t it? I’ll have to stop about that unfortunately. Now we’ve got the thumbnail to do for you lovely people reading this review. All the thumbnail looked like to me was a boring plain with some prefabs added to it. It looked all messed up and I don’t play messed games if they give me a messed up first impression. Well sometimes I do but I rarely do it

   Background/Scenery
Okay ladies and gentleman, time for the part of awesomeness. IT IS THE BACKGROUND!!!! Sorry for the dramatic intro. Let’s start, shall we? The background had its own way of standing out to similar game, some added detail and ta-da! It was not similar. Adding similar things just makes me feel as yet I’m playing the same game over and over again, which makes this game not boring. Lime green looks way better than white, god damn stupid white backgrounds (not making fun of epic game makers out there). Floating clouds were one of the features I should mention. Why shouldn’t I mention it?   Well because you’re the only one who doesn’t believe me. Good, you believe me now. You should be careful of what you say in this background paragraph because these are epic backgrounds and don’t spoil it for others. Swishing grass was a not noticed feature but I thought they were excellent. Overall the background had its own unique style.

   Placement
I’ll start you off with an easy explanation for the placement. Plain but also smart. Yeah I just said the sentence ‘Plain but also smart’. Popular games are a bit smart but this one. Few levels on and you get a smart placement. I just love the placement but I need to go on more about it. The fanciness all looked dandy. Some games need a smart or REALLY smart placement to make the player play the game more to kind of…you know, kind of hypnotise the player, so basically the game was a trick. The placement was as plain and exquisite as the wings of a bird. I could hear the placement going to me like, “Come on slow coach, and discover the placements true inner way.” That offended me. I envy of the placement in the game. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I hate the placement! I’m chillaxed now. See how the placement raged me out, which is how excellent the placement is. Have I got any more to say? *Moves his mouth without a sound coming out of it*

   Gameplay
I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. It is the one and only gameplay. Okay let’s start off. The gameplay made me feel like a ninja. I loved the pure accuracy because I was feeling more excise.   You know how the PPG has some glitches? The gameplay exactly did that. I would’ve thought the game was impossible if I didn’t know that. There were some unneeded things for the gameplay. Rotation Ballz didn’t have a lot of glitches except from the needed one. I didn’t stress out as much. Everything was balanced. The controls did everything I did except one time because it was opposite. If I had to use 3 fingers for the controls I would’ve cried out as much as a baby crying for candy. Sometimes the width for the ball didn’t quite work for me but that’s my problem isn’t?

Background/Scenery: 10/10
Placement: 9/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Lag: 0/10
Uniqueness: 0/10
Addictiveness: 8/10

This game was very fun to play and I’ve never played a game so addicting. So let’s sum the review up with a feature worthy decider…………this game is definitely feature worthy. Now I’ll leave you to enjoy your moments of this review.
~ Becky

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