Saturday, 22 June 2013

{Radius} Double O Penguin Reporting For Duty - Sploder Game Review

Well, lets focus on the building to this game, and that starts with the creator. Matt is a active and recently promoted member. His games have become known (and in some cases feared) with a signature to have difficulty and complex puzzles. He is a regular to the feature list and in some cases one of the best creators on the site.

Matt is also known for his creativity in his platformers, but this is a PPG so I was interested to see if his PPGs live up to his recent platformers. Penguin Patrol aye? Sounds like a mini-game on Super Mario. Looking at the thumbnail. It seems to have set the theme of Penguins pretty well. I didn't know what to expect, as most of Matt's games have titles that are words that I can't spell, and also have about 8 letters in each word. I wouldn't really think of Penguins being challenging. Again, like I said, looking at the icy world before my eyes, It appears to be a pretty close to what I'd expect. This game has definitely got me hooked!

Once I starting playing; I was addicted. The fact Matt managed to make intense puzzles while still keeping it simple. When I say simple, I don't mean easy. Don't get that idea, because this certainty wasn't that. The puzzles are based on the clock, ticking down at you. It wouldn't have been to hard without the timer, and possibly not even feature worthy. It takes a couple of attempts each level which in some games may seem disheartening, but this one is addicting. I don't really understand how the timer fit into the concept though, but I'm guessing they had a little sight of "the took".

I love how Matt kept the same colours throughout the different levels. It didn't go from red to brown to green. There wasn't much to look at but that didn't really matter. It fitted what it needed to, it looked like the Antarctic. Matt barely used any graphics. That didn't really bother me as graphics would have ruined the simpleness. One thing I HAVE to give to Matt is that those babies looked cute. I think they looked perfect. I almost wanted a teddy bear of them. Seriously I WANT one. Their parents looked weird though. I wouldn't imagine a penguin to look like that, and I've never heard of a orange penguin, but hoo hoo; I've never heard of a blue hedgehog either.

The enemies and traps were placed almost perfectly. Matt seemed to know how to make the levels harder with a even progression. The choice of how the enemies should appear was pretty good too. The idea of penguins falling in lakes is pretty funny too. The lakes and Black penguins were really irritating. I don't think my computer helped though. It's funny how Matt positioned them right were I wanted to go.

The puzzles were great. Few members could make such great puzzles. They fitted the concept. Everything fitted the game. The controls were pretty good too. It wasn't anything special; but I don't think anything fancy-shmancy was needed. I think I've given you my opinions, so now let me summarise them.

Addictiveness:   8   Baby Penguins
It was very addicting, as It had a difficulty that kept you asking for MOAR!

Enemies/Traps: 7.5 Baby Penguins
It's traps were simple. They fit the concept and their difficulty progressed nicely.

Puzzles:           8    Baby Penguins
It's puzzles were simple, and well crafted.

Concept:          8.5 Baby Penguins
It's concept was interesting and new.

Scenery:          6    Baby Penguins
There was barely any Scenery, but the graphics seemed quite arcade-eey.

This is one of the best games I've played in a long time. It had a interesting concept. As this is the first PPG I've seen Matt make, he's set it so that I can't wait for the next one! Now, were did I leave my baby penguin?

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